Friday, January 20, 2023

What is difference between money and near money?

What is difference between money and near money?


It is anything which acts as money. In other words, any commodity that does the four functions of money: medium, standard, unit and store are taken as money. Money is defined not in its form but in terms of its functions. Form of money is not so important: it can be currency or coins or plastic money. But its functions are important. 

Near Money: 

Those assets which can easily be converted into cash are called near money. It is clear from the name, any asset which is near to money in the sense that it can be converted into money without much effort and loss of time are termed as near money. For example, property is difficult to be liquidated. Gold can be easily converted into cash at any time. Therefore gold, silver, securities, deposits with banks and post offices are examples of near money. There is a disagreement amongst economists on what to be included in near money and what not.

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