Sunday, December 4, 2022

PFMS PPA UP113 SAMAGRA SHIKSHA Elementary Education Scheme Components Code


Scheme Components
[F.01]Elementary Education
[F.01.01]Opening of New/Upgraded Schools
[F.01.01.01]Opening of New Schools (NR) - (Elementary)
[F.01.01.02]Opening of New Schools (R) - (Elementary)
[F.01.10]Training of SMC/SMDC (Elementary)
[F.01.11]Quality Components (Elementary)
[F.01.11.01]Display Board on Safety Guidelines (Elementary)
[F.01.11.02]Foundational Literacy and Numeracy - ब्लूटूथ स्पीकर (१००० + १०००  = २००० )
[F.01.11.03]CCE Cards and Child Profile
[F.01.11.04]Fund for Safety and Security at School Level
[F.01.12]Project Innovation (Elementary)
[F.01.12.01]Youth & Eco Club (Elementary)
[F.01.12.02]Youth & Eco Club (Stand alone Primary Schools) (Elementary)
[F.01.12.03]Teacher Diary
[F.01.12.04]Teacher IdCards
[F.01.12.05]Documentation of Best Practice on Shagun Portal
[F.01.13]Learning Enhancement Programme (LEP) / Remedial Teaching
[F.01.13.01]LEP (Class I-II)
[F.01.13.02]LEP (Class III-V)
[F.01.13.03]LEP (Class VI-VIII)
[F.01.14]School Audit (Shagunotsav) (Elementary)
[F.01.15]Other Quality Initiatives
[F.01.16]Assessment at National and State Level
[F.01.16.01]School based Assessment (Elementary)
[F.01.17]Training for in-service Teachers and Head Teacher - Integrated Teacher Training
[F.01.17.01]In-service Training (I - VIII)
[F.]Class I & II
[F.]Class III to V

[F.]Class VI to VIII
[F.01.17.02]Induction Training (Elementary)
[F.01.17.03]Training of Resource persons & Master Trainers (Elementary)
[F.]Printing of Integrated Teacher Training Package
[F.01.17.04]School Leadership Training of Head Teachers / Principals / RPs (Elementary)
[F.01.17.05]Training of Educational Administrators (Elementary)
[F.01.18]Composite School Grant (Elementary) - कम्पोजिट स्कूल ग्रांट के लिए 
[F.01.19]Libraries (Elementary)
[F.01.02]Residential Schools
[F.01.02.01]Residential Schools - NR
[F.01.02.02]Residential Schools - Recurring
[F.01.02.03]Residential Schools - NR (Residential Hostel)
[F.01.02.04]Residential Schools- Recurring (Residential Hostel)
[F.01.20]Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan (RAA) (Elementary)
[F.01.21]ICT and Digital Initiatives (Elementary)
[F.01.21.01]ICT and Digital Initiative (up to Highest Class VIII) - NR
[F.01.21.02]Recurring Components (ICT and Digital Initiative upto Highest Class VIII)
[F.01.22]Support at pre-school level
[F.01.22.01]Pre-Primary (Non-Recurring)
[F.01.22.02]Pre-Primary (Recurring) - चहक कार्यक्रम ( २७०० = २५०० + २०० )
[F.01.23]Academic support through BRC/URC/CRC
[F.01.23.01]Provision for BRCs/URCs
[F.]Salary for 2 Resource Person for CWSN
[F.]Salary for 1 Data Entry Operator in Position
[F.]Salary for 1 Accountant -cum-support staff
[F.]Contingency Grant Meeting,TA

[F.]Salary for 1 MIS Coordinator in position
[F.]Salary for 1 Quality Coordinator in Position
[F.01.23.02]Provision for CRCs
[F.]Mobilty support for CRC (CRC mentoring of schools and teachers)
[F.]Contingency Grant Meeting,TA
[F.01.24]Teacher Salary (HMs/ Teachers) (Elementary)
[F.01.24.01]Primary Teachers-Existing in Position (Contractual i.e. Shiksha Mitra)
[F.01.24.02]Upper Primary Teachers (Contractual i.e. PTI)
[F.01.24.03]Teacher Salary Reimbursement
[F.01.25]Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV)
[F.01.25.01]KGBV- Type-I (NR) (New) (Classes VI-VIII)
[F.01.25.10]KGBV - Type-III (Recurring) (New) (Classes VI-XII)
[F.01.25.11]KGBV - Type-III (NR) (Previous Year) (Classes VI-XII)
[F.01.25.12]KGBV - Type-III (Recurring) (Previous Year) (Classes VI-XII)
[F.01.25.13]Refund of EMD or Security Deposit
[F.01.25.02]KGBV- Type-I (Recurring) (New) (Classes VI-VIII)
[F.01.25.03]KGBV- Type-I (NR) (Previous Year) (Classes VI-VIII)
[F.01.25.04]KGBV- Type-I (Recurring) (Previous Year) (Classes VI-VIII)
[F.01.25.05]KGBV- Type-II (NR) (New) (Classes VI-X)
[F.01.25.06]KGBV- Type-II (Recurring) (New) (Classes VI-X)
[F.01.25.07]KGBV- Type-II (NR) (Previous Year) (Classes VI-X)
[F.01.25.08]KGBV - Type-II (Recurring) (Previous Year) (Classes VI-X)
[F.01.25.09]KGBV - Type-III (NR) (New) (Classes VI-XII)
[F.01.26]Rani Laxmibai Atma Raksha Prashikshan (up to Highest Class VIII)
[F.01.27]Special Projects for Equity (Elementary)
[F.01.27.01]Project-Girls Empowerment
[F.]Life Skill for Adolescent Girls
[F.01.28]Provision for children with special needs (CWSN)

[F.01.28.01]Sports Events & Exposure Visits
[F.01.28.10]Stipend for Girls
[F.01.28.11]In-Service Training of Special Educators
[F.01.28.12]Salary (Previous Spl. Educators)
[F.01.28.13]Salary (New Spl. Educators)
[F.01.28.14]Escort Allowance
[F.01.28.15]Home Base Education
[F.01.28.16]Environment Building Programme
[F.01.28.17]Orientation of Principles, Pre-Primary Teachers, Aganwadi Wokers, Parents/ Guardians etc.
[F.01.28.02]Accelerated Learning Camp (ALC)
[F.01.28.03]Purchase/ Development of Instruction & Training Materials
[F.01.28.04]ICT Resources
[F.01.28.05]Therapeutic Services
[F.01.28.06]Braille Stationery Material (Inc. Embossed Charts, Globes)
[F.01.28.07]Providing Aids & Appliances
[F.01.28.08]Identification and Assessment (Medical Assessment Camps)
[F.01.28.09]Assistive Devices, Equipments and TLM
[F.01.29]Sports and Physical Education (Elementary)
[F.01.03]Strengthening of Existing Schools
[F.01.03.01]Strengthening of Schools - NR (up to Highest Class VIII)
[F.]Additional classrooms
[F.]Major Repair
[F.]Solar Panel
[F.]Boundary Wall

[F.]Dilapidated Building (Primary)
[F.]Dilapidated Building (Upper Primary)
[F.]Drinking Water
[F.]Incinerator in Girls Toilets
[F.]CWSN Toilet
[F.01.03.02]Strengthening of Schools (Elementary)- NR
[F.01.03.03]Strengthening of Residential Schools - NR (up to Highest Class VIII)
[F.01.30]Monitoring Information System (MIS)
[F.01.30.01]Management Information System (UDISE +)
[F.01.31]Program Management
[F.01.31.01]SPO Management
[F.]Support to State Level Institutions

[F.]Institute of Advanced Study In Education,Prayagraj
[F.]Director,State Institute of Educational Technology,Lucknow
[]DG Office
[F.]News Paper and Periodical
[F.]Provision for server & Other accessories for applications & Data bases for Software Development of Education Dept (NIC)
[F.]Return of EMD or Security Deposit and others
[F.]Capacity Building (Workshop Meeting and Training)
[F.]Consultancy Charges including audit fees
[F.]Equipment/Furniture Strengthening of MIS Cell
[F.]Consumable office expenses/TA DA/Contingency Other Allowances/Office equipment
[F.]Rent Rates and Taxe
[F.]Hiring Repair & Maintenance of Vechile/POL

[F.]Telephone Expenses and Internet
[F.]Media and Publicity Documentation
[F.]Return of Interest to GOI
[F.01.31.02]DPO Management
[F.]Refund of EMD or Security Deposit
[F.]Consumable office expenses/TA DA/Contingency Other Allowances/Office equipment
[F.]Rent Rates and Taxes
[F.]Hiring, Repair & Maintenance of Vechile/POL
[F.]Telephone Expenses and Internet
[F.]Consultancy Charges including audit fees
[F.]Media & Publicity, Documentation
[F.]Meeting / Workshop and Training
[F.01.31.03]SE Management (MMER)
[F.01.31.04]TE Management (MMER)
[F.01.04]Transport / Escort Facility
[F.01.04.01]Transport / Escort Facility(Elementary)
[F.01.05]Free Uniform

[F.01.06]Free Textbooks
[F.01.06.01]Braille Books
[F.01.06.02]Large Print Books
[F.01.07]Reimbursement towards expenditure incurred for 25 percent of admissions under Section 12(1)(c), RTE Act.
[F.01.08]Special Training for age appropriate admission of Out-of-School Children (OoSC) at Elementary Level
[F.01.08.01]Special Training for OoSC - Non-Residential (Fresh)
[F.01.08.02]Special Training for OoSC - Residential (Fresh)
[F.01.08.03]Special Training for OoSC - Non-Residential (Previous Year)
[F.01.08.04]Special Training for OoSC - Residential (Previous Year)
[F.01.08.05]Intervention for Migrant Children/ Seasonal Hostel - Non-Residential
[F.01.08.06]Intervention for Migrant Children/ Seasonal Hostel - (Residential)
[F.01.08.07]Coverage of Religious Intitutions
[F.01.09]Media and Community Mobilization
[F.01.09.01]Community Mobilization (Elementary) - अध्यापक अभिभावक मीटिंग  ( ५०० रूपये )
[F.01.09.02]Logo and Display Board- Samagra Shiksha (for all Schools) (Elementary)

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